Friday, January 25, 2013


I recently signed up to attend a photographer's retreat in Seattle hosted by Chic Critique.
I am so excited to go and learn ways to improve my photography and business.  I am hoping by then to give my website and business a facelift.  Maybe posting again to my blog will get me moving : )
So in honor of a lovely upcoming day of love, here is a kiss from my almost year old baby : )


Marianne said...

You're headed to my neck of the woods. You are in for a treat. Good luck!

I saw your Ensign article too! Very touching. You are pretty dang incredible Michele and amazed me each time you took my kids pictures! You are an inspiration.

Cam said...

I started following your blog awhile back when you did a post with Utah Deal Diva. I fell in love with your photography.
Today I was reading my Ensign and came across the article you wrote. I know you don't know who I am, but I just wanted to tell you how inspiring and uplifting your words were!
The next time I have a newborn, I would love, love, love to have you take pictures for me!
Thank you for sharing your talents.
~Camille Shosted

Jenny said...

Awesome Michele! That will be so fun! I love your blog btw. I love that you make it so personal. And I Love your pictures. Thanks for sharing.